Saturday, August 24, 2019

Four Ways to Promote a Positive Work Environment

Studies show that a positive work environment can influence innovation. In today’s modern workplace, innovation is a HUGE priority; job satisfaction and a positive work environment go hand and hand. So how can you do your part to promote positivity in the workplace?

Show appreciation and gratitude: Everyone likes to feel appreciated! Next time a coworker brings you a cup of coffee or helps you out on a difficult project, make sure to not only thank them, but tell them you appreciate them. It seems like such a simple thing, but it can make a big difference in someone’s day.

Random acts of kindness: These are those things you don’t have to do, and you expect nothing in return for, but they still feel darn good. Things like complimenting a coworker on her new haircut, or offering to pick up a meal for someone working through their lunch break will make you and the people around you feel good.

Encourage fun: There are a million ways to make the workplace fun! Whether you plan a Friday happy hour, host a holiday luncheon, or organize your company’s participation in one of our corporate Zumba classes, the possibilities are endless.

Encourage connection: It’s easy to get caught up in our work and make our interactions with our coworkers purely work-related. However, encouraging genuine connection will make the very work you’re worried about easier and more enjoyable. Next time you need a coworker’s input on a project, first take the time to ask them about their weekend. You might even make a new work friend!

By the way, our corporate wellness services are an excellent way to spread positivity!

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