Sunday, July 28, 2019

3 Ways to Motivate Employees and Employers

We’re probably all familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. A lesser known theory of motivation (the ERG theory) offers a much more condensed version of basic human needs. The importance of human needs as it relates to an employee or employer is that people will not be motivated to work if their needs are not met. This is the basic theory behind pay; offer a reward to meet the need of an employee.

That said, we’ve created a guide to meeting your needs and therefore creating motivation at work:  

1.    Meeting existence needs: This means all the physiological and material needs a person may have including food, water, shelter, and safety. You can help meet these needs at work by focusing on an ergonomically friendly work environment. Check out this article for super detailed suggestions. As an employee, you can take breaks to walk around, stretch, and make sure to stay hydrated and eat healthy foods. As an employer, you can invest in standing desks, ergonomic chairs, and even healthy food to stock the company fridge.

2.    Meeting relatedness needs: Human beings have a need for connection and inclusion. As an employee, you can focus on making connections with your coworkers by taking your lunch break together, or even partaking in some healthy group activities (like our mindfulness classes). As an employer, you can encourage employees to connect and work with each other (our group exercise classes meet both existence and relatedness needs!). 

3.    Meeting growth needs: Basically, we want to do things that matter, and we want to be better. That really sums up the need for growth. As an employee, if your workplace can make you feel like you’re becoming a better you, then you’ll probably love your job. As an employer, this is the need you can most help with. By providing opportunities and recognition for growth, you will motivate your employees more than any paycheck can. This is why our corporate wellness program is so crucial. Our job is to make your job better. We offer several services that will not only allow employees to connect with each other but connect with their better selves as well.

So, whether you’re an employer or an employee, talk to us today about how we can help meet your needs!

#healingshandsmiami, #therapeuticmassage, #corporatewellness, #massage, #wellness, #servicespotlight, #healthylifestyle, #workplacewellness, #motivate

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