Sunday, March 31, 2019

National Humor Month: Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Did you know... April is National Humor Month!  Yep, it’s a thing.  The initiative even has a website where it states, “National Humor Month was conceived as a means to heighten public awareness of the therapeutic value of humor.”

There is even an International Humor Conference, hosted by the International Society for Humor Studies!  This professional organization consists of many university and college professors, as well as many professionals in fields of counseling, management, nursing, and even theater.  They hold conferences and publish a quarterly journal, all about their studies of laughter and humor and how that plays a role in business, entertainment and healthcare, and how it varies across several demographics.

As humorous as a national humor month backed by an international humor society may be, their mission is a noble and science-backed one.  Laughter is one of the best ways to deal with stress.  Studies show that laughing with others even releases endorphins in the brain that mimic the euphoria induced by powerful drugs like heroin.  Building on that, social laughter also forms social bonds.  This is the scientific explanation of why laughter is so contagious; spreading endorphin release through a group promotes a sense of belonging and safety.

In fact, not only does laughter form social bonds, but it keeps them too.  This study found that couples who laugh together report having higher-quality relationships.  Essentially; couples who laugh together, stay together!  Laughter has also been shown by research to have an anti-inflammatory effect that fights against damage from cardiovascular disease.  Scientists don’t fully understand this yet, but it is believed to be related to diminishing the body’s stress response (an inflammatory agent).

So now that you know that laughter really is the best medicine (or at least one of them), make sure to get your laughter on this month!  It’s no coincidence that this Monday is April Fool’s Day, so start the month off right with a good old laugh.  In terms of dealing with stress…perhaps the only thing that can rival laughter is a relaxing massage, so don’t forget to book your appointment for that too!

#healingshandsmiami, #therapeuticmassage, #corporatewellness, #massage, #wellness, #stress, #healthylifestyle, #laughter

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