Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Spotlight on the Cranial Release Technique

Cranial Release Technique (CRT) is one of the many massage services we offer here at Healing Hands Miami.  This service may be less immediately recognizable than something like a relaxing massage or a deep tissue massage, but offers a host of benefits you don’t want to miss out on.  So what is it exactly?

In short, cranial release technique is a short treatment (often lasting only a minute or two) that aims to “release” the cranial bones (the 22 bones that make up the head) by correcting and restoring proper movement to them, which in turn triggers a realignment of the tissues and structures associated with the cranium, such as the spine, the fascia, and the extremities (arms, legs, shoulders, etc).   

The treatment developed out of the research initiated from the discoveries of Dr. William G. Sutherland, who discovered that the bones that make up our cranium actually move, and that this movement is responsible for proper function of the nervous system and optimal health.  This alignment can become distorted due to factors like chronic stress, and the distortion throws off our body’s innate ability to heal, while maintaining our bodies in a constant state of stress otherwise known as the “fight or flight” response.

CRT can restore the gentle movement to the bones of the head known as the cranial pulse, with the ultimate goal of triggering the aforementioned release and realignment of all the affected structures and effectively shifting the body out of “fight or flight” and back to “rest and digest,” a balanced state where it can focus on healing and being well.

If you feel like you suffer from chronic stress (and unfortunately, most of us do), CRT can help.  CRT has been shown to decrease heart rate variability (a medical marker of stress) and to have positive effects in reversing this abnormal stress response. 
Intrigued?  CRT can be added to any service given by Healing Hands founder Anastasia Yecke Gude (currently Anastasia is the only practitioner with this accreditation, having studied with Dr. William Doreste in 2012).  And remember, with our All-Inclusive Massage there is never an upcharge!  Book your session today.


#healingshandsmiami, #therapeuticmassage, #corporatewellness, #massage, #wellness, #cranialmassage, #healthylifestyle, #massageservices, #stress

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