Saturday, December 8, 2018

Holiday Gift Guide: How to Choose a Gift

It’s the season of gifts.  As mentioned in a previous blog post, this can be a huge source of stress for some during the holidays.  But it really doesn’t have to be!  Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind that will make it a lot easier to come up with several great options for everyone on your holiday shopping list:

1.    Ramp up your listening skills around this time of year.  If you really listen to someone, chances are by the end of a couple conversations they’ll already have mentioned either a problem they have, or something they’ve been eyeing!  This is your cue to think: can I gift them something to help with this problem?

2.    Think about everything you know about the person.  Do you know their favorite snacks?  Their favorite color?  Favorite animal?  A gift that feels personal will remind someone that you went out of your way to get this for them, and didn’t just pick up a pack of identical “gifts” to distribute to everyone else.

3.    Just ask.  This article sums up some interesting research on the variance between the expectations of gift givers and receivers, and advocates for the simple action of just asking someone what they actually want.  If you’re close to someone, this could be a viable option!  Just throw in a small little surprise (as simple as a box of chocolates) to keep it fun and retain that surprise element.

4.    Have a budget for each person on your list.  Your Secret Santa at work probably doesn’t need a lavish gift from you, but your 15-year-old niece, on the other hand…!

5.    Think outside the box.  Get it?  Like the box of the gift?  Anyway, instead of focusing on what is the most expensive, newest thing you can get someone, why not get them an experience instead?  Studies show that gift receivers are more focused on the practicality or use they will get out of the gift, while gift givers are more concerned about the moment of the exchange.  Research also says experiential gifts are also more effective at improving relationships between gift givers and receivers!  A great option for this kind of gift is always a massage.

There you have it! Using these tips, you can streamline your holiday shopping and put a smile on the faces of everyone on your list. Happy gift-giving!

#healingshandsmiami, #therapeuticmassage, #corporatewellness, #massage, #wellness, #gifts, #holidays, #giftideas

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